Friday 18 January 2013

Cupcake Frenzy!

Another cupcake order for engagement party.... Ordered by my loyal customer... Done also just the day before delivery due to my hectic work schedule... Anyway, hope she likes it! :)

Simple flower design

butterfly oh butterfly...

And not forgetting pearlie cupcakes....

Charlie and His Number Friends

A very long overdue posts.... Basically I have been very busy due to work commitment and also the fact that my home underwent major renovation... This is a cake that I made only the day before (I am serious) due to the weather humidity at East Coast side of Singapore while I was away from the comfort of my own home.

Actually I made the figurine days before to let them harden, however, to my astonishment, all of them melted like crazy! I was sooo.... upset about it but nothing can be done to it. End up I redo all of them only the day before the collection and I didn't sleep until 6 am!

Anyway, here is the cake that I made for Mateen based on request from customer for her son's first birthday.... No proper photo though as I rushed for cake delivery soon after it was done....

Where is Charlie?

Here he is!